Call Today: 303.246.0366

Denver Online Marketing Agency
Denver, Colorado Business Marketing

Jerry Sexton, Owner and Founder of Sexton & Co.

Jerry is a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who started working on the Internet in 1987 when he was integrating command and control centers in the Pacific with electronic imagery transmission systems. Jerry was on the implementation committee for the United States Air Force Electronic Imaging Center concept for transmission of imagery around the world and the Advanced Television Technology Committee for the Air Force. Jerry is also the former President, of PGM Integrated, an integrated marketing agency. He left PGM to focus on developing Sexton & Co. into the premier Rocky Mountain regional online marketing agency. He serves as a consultant to numerous advertising and marketing agencies in the Denver, Colorado region and provides strategic counsel to many local and national corporations.


He is also the former owner and CEO of Digital Metropolis, a company he developed from conceptual idea into the top interactive marketing agency in Denver, CO. Here he developed strategic plans and produced tactical CD-ROM, DVD, video (online and traditional), web and print products for sales, marketing and CRM applications. His clients ranged from small companies to Fortune 100 corporations worldwide.


With his extensive and broad-ranging expertise, Jerry manages the company. He combines hands-on production experience and proven technology skills with the ability to visualize new media uses for marketing, training and business applications. Jerry is Google Adwords certified.

A sought-after speaker, he gives seminars around the country on new media technologies and their uses in marketing applications. He also taught a Masters Degree Course at Denver University on multi-media production management. He has a B.S., Mass Communications, Florida State University and a M.S., Public Relations, from American University.


Give us a call at 303-246-0366 or contact us and lets discuss your project requirements.

For more information on key people

Jerry Sexton

Terry Hackett